DOWNLOAD the summary of bilingual services/products for school districts here.
Download the CVHS Latino Achievement Night Keynote speech HERE. TESTIMONIAL from CVHS Principal is here:
"Dear Ms. Tiscareno-Sato, Thank you so much for your time and energy to speak at our Latino Achievement Awards night. I received so much positive feedback. Your speech was inspirational and moving. Thank you again!"
Testimonial: "My students had the most wonderful time. I was able to share the video with all my 6th graders today. Thank you for a truly unforgettable experience." - Amy Padilla, Principal in the RCSD, East Palo Alto, after 25 of her students participated in Women of Aviation Week, met several Latina aviators and experienced free flights in general aviation aircraft. (Link above is to story on Telemundo in Spanish; here's the new story in English on KGO-TV San Francisco)
We serve school districts with workshops and literature that will contribute to meeting the Common Core Standards for ELD, ELA, Science and Technical Subjects, as well as open students’ minds to career possibilities in our nation’s emerging industries. We provide real-world examples of the importance of cross-disciplinary literacy.
Very importantly, we provide access to diverse role models in STEM careers to motivate students towards careers to which they likely have never been exposed. This aspirational step in a student's education, to connect directly with people they can relate to in many ways, often makes the difference between a student understand WHY he/she must commit towards their education and work towards a brighter future and falling victim to the status quo surrounding them.
We offer author workshops (writing and peer editing) and assembly services with an aviation and STEM focus for elementary, middle and high school students. These services encourage college-going actions, planning and the emulating of proven successful educational, work and entrepreneurship journeys. These presentations can be included in your district’s STEM programs to enrich the content and encourage active participation from students. See testimonials on recent school visits here.
Download the one-page flyer of Graciela's work as a bilingual STEM consultant here.
We offer college-going planning and parent engagement workshops in English and Spanish for your students and parent communities. We directly address cultural obstacles to higher education success and connect students and parents to mentors to navigate the obstacles.
In addition, we offer sessions for staff professional development, which provide insight into green economy and renewable energy industries so critical for students to understand and aspire to participate.