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Graciela speaks on a variety of topics to diverse audiences ranging from 6th grade students, to MBA classes, corporate professionals to association event attendees. You can see clips of her speaking here and read audience testimonials below and here.

Below are the titles and detailed speaker sheets for the most popular topics she's invited to speak about. Invite her to speak by calling (510) 542-9449 or use the contact form here.




Additional details of upcoming events where Graciela will be speaking are available at the book websites for Latinnovating here and the Captain Mama series here. There are many more testimonials from event organizers plus comprehensive lists of the many places Graciela has been invited as a speaker too.

Popular Topics and Speaker Sheets

AUTHENTIC Personal Branding for Military Veterans - highly interactive workshop & 3-module online course- for active duty service members, students veterans at universities, veterans in corporate settings -learn to draw from your life and service experiences to communicate in a compelling, memorable and differentiated way to influence your intended audience. Create powerful, written, story-like introductions for yourself to put into action immediately to convey your best,most valuable skills to the people you wish to persuade. In-person workshops are typically scheduled for 90 minutes, to allow time for 1:1 consultations with everyone in the room so that ALL attendees leave with powerful personal branding by workshop's end. Workshops delivered virtually can be between 45 to 60 minutes in length; each attendee schedules a 15-minute, 1:1 post-workshop coaching session with Graciela before attending the workshop. This private session ensures each attendee WILL complete their personal branding with Graciela's assistance, as would happen during the live workshop. 

Speaker sheet describing live & virtual workshops, online course is here. Graciela partnered with CalVet to bring this workforce development skill set content to veterans in seven California cities as seen HERE.  Purchase the self-study, 3-module online course with private coaching session HERE.


AUTHENTIC Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs and College Students - highly interactive workshop, live or virtual delivery - Similar to the workshop described above, but tailored to  aspiring Entrepreneurs and college students. Speaker sheet with learning objectives is HERE.  Group training and branding exercise is 60 minutes long with a subsequent 1:1 consultation with EACH student to co-create their branding and to access Graciela's professional networks. After crafting their powerful, forward-looking personal branding, attendees are offered connections to specific humans to call to set up informational interviews. College Student feedback scores from a recent workshop with 250 students at Cal State University - East Bay were 28.5 points out of 30!  Invite Graciela to speak on your campus or to schedule a virtual workshop by emailing info at gracefullyglobal dot com. 


KEYNOTE: Managing Chaos to Achieve Results in a Dynamic Work Environment: Lessons from the High-Performance Military Flight Deck Your Teams Can Use Daily 

Description: Do you ever wonder how military aircrews seem to continuously learn from their mistakes despite the chaotic workplace in which they operate? 

Whether working onboard a tanker airplane refueling fighter jets on transoceanic flights or in a tactical theater of combat operations, working in a global industry undergoing massive shrinkage during a recession, introducing a transnational startup expanding into new markets, birthing a one pound baby or starting and growing a small business, Graciela has experienced (and some would say) thrived on constant change and chaos on a global scale, in a variety of industries.

In this fast-paced, inspirational keynote address, Graciela will share five lessons she learned while flying for the U.S. Air Force that have direct applicability in 21st century workplaces where global forces create constant change and organizational leaders must prepare to manage teams through turbulent chaos. 


Navigating the Journey from Cockpit to Entrepreneurship- (see this Google Hangout recording for military members, students and vets)


Globalization and Future Work
7 Military Leadership Lessons Professional Women Can Use Daily -
Can be tailored to various audiences: for both genders in corporate settings or conferences or for university students as seen here - a keynote delivered to students at Hofstra University, NY.

Entrepreneurial Successes in the Green Economy: Role Models and Innovations from the Latino Community

Grabbing Opportunity in the Green Economy - a variation on the topic above. See the video at the Latinnovating channel here.

Join the Women Leading the Green Economy - a variation on the topic above, featuring the 5 entrepreneurial women profiled in Latinnovating

The Unlikely Military Aviator --Presentation for adults and students alike features Graciela's personal journey from oldest daughter of Mexican immigrants to Air Force ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) scholarship cadet at the #1 public university in America to active duty military officer and aviator. Speaker sheet is here.

The STEM of Aviation - designed for middle and high school students, this talk encourages young people to pursue STEM careers while sharing highlights from Graciela's military career as an Air Force officer, aviator, instructor navigator and leader in multicultural settings. Speaker sheet is here.


Testimonials from attendees and event organizers

(many more available here and here)

“Graciela, it was such a pleasure to have you do the Personal Branding for Veterans Workshop at the Veterans Connect @ the Library in East Palo Alto last Saturday. All attendants were positively impacted--transformed!  There were veterans and non-veterans in the audience, and all found the workshop extremely helpful!  Not only was the information pertinent to a diverse audience, but it was practical, and sophisticated advice.  There were people with criminal backgrounds, substance abuse issues, and severe brain damage in the audience, and you were so compassionate and professional with them.  I saw the very clear change in the facial expressions of the attendants at the end of the workshop.  They were hopeful, more focused, and connected to their identity as a valuable person and member of the community. Thanks for your commitment to veterans, women, and people of color.”  - Joanna M. Arteaga La Spina, Community Learning Program Specialist, San Mateo County Libraries

"Dear Graciela,  Thank you for the most relevant and visionary speech I have ever heard at a Silicon Valley Adult Education graduation. Your description of wanting an educational legacy and advice to consider all opportunities were taken to heart by many. Your finale of giving a copy of Latinnovating to each future entrepreneur highlighted your points like nothing else could! However, your greatest gift was you. The time you spent signing books and talking to graduates was invaluable. Thank you for adding unique memories of this gradation to not only the graduates, but the staff and audience members as well. It was an honor to have you as our keynote speaker. Thank you for everything!"  - Suzi Glass, SVAE Principal

“Graciela blew our student veterans out of the water! Her workshop was very valuable and she engaged everyone individually. This allowed each participant to truly become involved, ask many questions and learn from her. Graciela’s techniques of engaging students was very effective and fun. Students left with a clear understanding about how to market themselves in order to go out into the workforce, start a business or apply to graduate schools.” Daliana Rivera, Student Veteran Program, Towson University

“The Latino Chamber was deeply honored to have received Ms. Graciela Tiscareno-Sato for our 10th Annual Latino Chamber Business Expo ( to present to our attendees the importance of entrepreneurship and resiliency. Latinos need to hear presentations like Ms. Tiscareno-Sato's to understand that we too can succeed in anything we pursue in life. Her invaluable testimony and award-winning books are great examples of proud Latino leaders in the country. Thank you Graciela!” Jose Beteta, President, Latino Chamber of Commerce, Boulder, CO

“Graciela showed us that our skills learned in the military can be repackaged to help showcase our talents. She showed us how to broadcast our skills to others by networking and branding ourselves. Most importantly, she gave us the confidence and knowledge to broadcast our talents to form our own brand.”  Chris Powell, Veteran, Towson University Student
"Thanks for presenting at CSUEB, I thought that the focus on creating a short story about yourself as an introduction instead of just facts was the most valuable part of the workshop, and something I can use daily." Aaron Weisz, Student, Cal State East Bay, Hayward, CA
Other comments received via student evaluations ("Personal Branding for Leadership" presentation at CSUEB scored 29.3/30 points):
“Graciela is extremely personable and possesses a wealth of knowledge. I wish there were more veterans like her with the skills of public speaking to reach out as she does.” Kevin Morgan, Veteran, Towson University Student